Monday, April 12, 2010

Growing up, moving on and all that other big kid stuff.

I graduate from college about a month from today! How scary is that?! No definitive summer plans, but right now I think I just want to take it easy and enjoy my last few months in Iowa. That’s right…the last few. Not sure I’m ready to announce plans to the whole blogosphere but I am very very excited about what the future holds for me and for John as well. He’ll be home to visit in late May and home for good on August 8th. FINALLY! I wish he could be here for graduation and some of the other big “senior moments” but I’m excited about next year and excited to see what it brings for both of us. I can say I've been accepted to a masters program and I've accepted a job offer that I'm SUPER excited it's just dotting the I's and crossing the T's and hoping for no last minute snags! I’m going to miss some things about Iowa...but it is time to move on for a little while and see what else is out there.

It's a scary time, an exciting time, and a little sad too. I've made so many amazing friends in 4 years in Iowa City and a big part of me is sad to leave. But it's time to move on to some bigger and hopefully just as amazing things. No matter what though...I am a proud Hawkeye and will very soon be a very proud Iowa Alum :)

p.s. Hopefully I'll get the blog caught up much to post! Amazing pictures from London, Ireland, Athens, Rome and Venice (and lots of funny stories too).

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