Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What a difference a year makes...again.

Senior is still a scary word, my thesis is cruising right along (although sort of on cruise control until graduate school applications are in the mail), and life is still going in all sorts of different directions.

The long awaited trip back to Ireland is going to happen over Christmas. Words cannot describe how unbelievably excited I am. John moved over to London in August and there is no way to really explain how hard it is being so far away from him. We get a whole month together over winter break, which sounds pretty amazing when you've been "skyping" for months. He's never been to Ireland and I cannot wait to get back. I'm excited to be able to introduce him to a place that means so much to me. The one thing I always struggled with after studying abroad was explaining the experience to other I'm thrilled to be able to share it with him.

It's especially weird that John's not here tonight...if it weren't for Barack Obama I'm not sure we ever would have met. Crazy right? Sort of like Ireland, election night just seems like a really amazing dream anymore. But I will never forget that packed ballroom and crying/laughing/being deliriously tired but so proud of everything we accomplished. Congrats again to everyone from our little Iowa City Obama family, it was a wild and crazy ride but SO worth it.

After tomorrow I only have four weeks of classes left. Ah! Bring it on senior year! I can take it.

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