Monday, April 19, 2010


My favorite part of the trip. I got to go back to Cork! (And Blarney, Kinsale, Midleton, and Dublin)We flew into Ireland on Christmas Eve. Our flight left London at 6am or something ridiculous, but by the time we got into Cork I was kind of like a little kid in a candy store. I wanted to see EVERYTHING again! We dropped our stuff off and went to the English Market to get everything to make Christmas dinner. The English Market has some amazing butchers, bakers, and lots of great produce. In short, it's the perfect place to shop for Christmas dinner. That night we went to one of my favorite pubs which I think is now one of John's too.

Christmas Day we got to sleep in for a change. We spent most of the day cooking dinner and then took a long walk around Cork. I've never seen Cork so quiet! It was beautiful with all the Christmas lights on.

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