Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Wait...this says Brookfield

Anyone driving down College Road tonight at about 6:15 must have had a pretty good laugh. Why? Because about 30-40 international students were headed down the street in one BIG group. Even though we all speak perfectly good English, apparently our reading leaves a bit to be desired. They have an Irish History class for visiting students, in the Visiting Student Class Guide it says that it meets on Tuesdays, 6-8, in Boole #2. So, there we were...waiting...and finally, someone pipes up and says they have the History department class guide "wait...this says Brookfield". So, all 30-40 of us make the hike to Brookfield, arriving about 30 minutes late and totally embarrassing ourselves. C'mon! I didn't even do that when I was a freshman at Iowa! Checked again though...there was a definite typo, there are two different rooms down for Irish History. For future reference...Brookfield, is where my class will be held, not Boole. Could have been worse. One of my roommates set off the fire alarm in one of her classes. I was at least embarassed with company.

One of the fun parts of being a visiting student is that they let us try out a lot of classes before we actually have to pick a few. So far I've been to Romantic Lit (yuck), Victorian Lit (only slightly better), Shakesperean Drama (AWESOME!), Government - Citizanship and Human Rights (for sure sticking with this one), and Irish History (late, but totally worth showing up). On tap for tomorrow...Medieval History (yay!), History of 20th Century Europe (woo!), and another round with good old Bill Shakespeare. Now I just need to pick...I need three or four classes plus Gaelic and possibly Italian :-).

So, all in all, a pretty good first two days of classes, it's been fun to see how everything works, and it's nice to "shop around" before we actually have to pick something.

Picture for the day, call it the "first day of school" picture if you want. We discovered the pub across from our apartment building has live music on Mondays! I swear we didn't have homework yet.


Dahria said...

future blogs in Gaelic....looking forward to it!
enjoying the blogs, keep 'em coming.

jwg67 said...

Hi Alyssa! I agree with Dahria...great blog! I'm so glad you are getting this experience. I asked your mom what a PUB was and she never responded. :) I guess now I know what it is. That is iced tea on the table, right? ;) jk
Have fun! Jay