Sunday, January 13, 2008

That's a whole lot of Blarney

Absolutely breathtaking. And the picture doesn't really do it justice. It was pouring down rain, and cold, and generally a not nice day to be climbing to the top of castles in rural Ireland. But that view made it totally worth it. We ended up wandering around some of the trails in Blarney, and spent some time just being generally amazed at how green everything is. This country really is beautiful when you get out of the city.

And yes. I kissed the Blarney stone, I should now be blessed with eloquence. We'll see about that...but at least that's what the cute old Irish man at the top of Blarney castle told me - as he was holding me up so I didn't fall 120 feet and kill myself bending over backwards to kiss a stone.

Now for some less exciting scenery. Remember the combination washer/dryer in our kitchen? seems to struggle with the drying aspect. One of my roommates called home and was told to purchase a drying rack...we now have rope strung all around the apartment so that we can dry our clothes. Classy right? If we run out of room we'll just call up our land lady and tell her to please come get the curtains, we don't need them anymore, but please leave the curtain rods.

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