Saturday, January 5, 2008

"Team USA? Boo!"

I finally got my bags last night! A very nice, very cheerful delievery man brought them to our apartment. There are about 12 stickers on one of them that all say "RUSH". Now if only we really knew for sure how they ended up in Shannon, Ireland...

We're meeting all kinds of new people, my favorite so far...
Irish guy in Pub: "Team USA? Boo!"
Me: "Is it really that obvious?"
Irish guy: "It's the North Face coat sweetie."
Irish guy's friend: "Don't worry dear, we like ye all just fine!"

Looks like next time I'll go with a different jacket...we'll also keep working on decoding what everyone is saying...turns out the bartender was not asking which dorm we live in, he was trying to tell us that his name is Aidan. Explains why he looked so confused when we said we were in Leeside Apartments.

Speaking of Leeside Apartments...this is our apartment! Living room and kitchen and my room (if you click on the pictures you can see a bigger version). And you're not seeing things, that's an Iowa Hawkeye pendant on my wall, did anyone really think I could go five months without anything Black and Gold in my room?? That is a washer in our kitchen, but it's a dryer too! Or so they tell us...our land lady swears it will do both, but no one's been brave enough to do a load of laundry yet. We were also told that electricity is cheaper from 12am - 8am, so if we could do our laundry then that would be great. We're also adjusting to the idea of cold showers. One bathroom, three girls, 15 minutes of hot water at a time, you do the math. When those 15 minutes run out, you have to wait...or go with a cold shower, which only one of my roommates has been brave enough to try. We're not sure yet if this is common all over Ireland, or just one of the added "benefits" of Leeside :-)

We wandered campus today...we're determined to not look like lost little freshman when we show up for class on Monday. I'll put pictures of that up soon!

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