Friday, January 4, 2008

Caucus Fever

Anyone know what the Irish Government was up to today? Because they certainly know what's going on in the US. I've had five, yes five, different people ask me about the Iowa Caucus. "You're American? Are you from Iowa? What did you think of the caucus?" They all knew who won, how everyone finished, and where the candidates are headed from here. The Iowa Caucus was front page news in a few of the newspapers here. Sounds like it's time for me to pick up an Irish Newspaper...
We're finally going to have time to really explore Cork tomorrow, expect lots of pictures after that :-)

1 comment:

Dahria said...

I am lovin' this blog!!!! What a great way to share you're adventures. You are a great writer as well.
So, what's your living situation like? Roommates, solo, etc? was the pub!?!
Confession....unfortunately, it sounds like people in Cork know more about the caucus than i do. That really is a shame. Sounds like i need to do a little reading.
Looking forward to some pics....Be safe!