Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Washington Street Primary

I’d like to congratulate Senator Barack Obama on his latest primary win. Last night Obama claimed victory in the Cork, Ireland Washington Street Primay. Obama defeated Senators Hillary Clinton and John McCain 11 to 4 to 3. A new candidate named John McLain also received one vote.
Voters fell in the 18-25 age group and most are students at University College Cork. There is some dispute over the validity of the results. The primary was conducted rather informally and just after pub close. Due to the high number of non respondents and slightly or severely intoxicated respondents...and the fact that all of these voters hold Irish citizenship the 0 delegates at stake may not be seated by the Democratic Party later this summer. But the results of the primary are intriguing none the less.
The primary coordinator, Dennis (who may have just forgotten his own name), from County Kerry (if in fact he was capable of remembering what county he hails from) held the primary in front of the Washington Inn and voters were asked to make their selection by shouting the candidates name. Voters cited “a focus on economy” and a “need for change” as their reasons for selecting Senator Obama. Clinton supporters cited such reasons as “Bill rocked!”

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