Tuesday, September 9, 2008

You didn't think I'd forgotten about the blog did you??

Hello everyone!
I know it's been a ridiculously long time since I've done any kind of update on this, but it was a crazy summer between navigating the flood waters and navigating new responsibilities at sports camps.
I guess I can now say Ireland is fully done and dusted, even if I'm still in denial about it (my UCC student ID is still in my wallet, never know! I might need it for something...) My transcript from UCC finally landed stateside and everyone is moving back into Leeside... getting ready to start a new year at UCC :-( Someone say hi to Boole for me... (and The Old Oak, because I know you'll make it there before you ever find your way to Boole).
It is good to be back in Iowa City though, and as always there's more then enough going on here to keep me busy. New school year, new classes, and FIVE new roommates! Crazy right? They're all awesome and our house is a regular six ring circus most days.
I'm down to my last few credits at Iowa...getting ready to Graduate either this summer or winter of 2009. That also means I'm grad school shopping, studying for the LSAT and the GRE, and trying to figure out what the heck I want to do with my life. (Ideas anyone?!) Right now the tentative plan is to head back to Ireland for my masters (yes I love it and miss it that much) and I guess we'll see where I go from there?
Still working at the admissions visitors center - giving campus tours and working in the office. This will be my third fall of high school recruiting craziness, kind of hard to believe. While I was studying abroad I ran for STAR exec board, so I'm learning how to be Public Relations Chair too, yay!
AND...I'm an intern!! Working here in Iowa City to turn Iowa blue by November 4th.
Okay...well that's life right now, crazy as always but I wouldn't have it any other way.

If you're checking this out because I met you at the study abroad fair today...the application deadline for the Iowa Regents Spring Semester in Cork is October 15, so it's not too late! (take it from someone who turned her application in on October 15th last year) And if there's anything, anything at all you want to know about life in Cork...email me! I'd love to hear from you. alyssa-thomas@uiowa.edu My five months in Cork were some of the best of my life, there's nothing like it, and (in my seriously biased opinion) no better place to study abroad!

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