Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Back at it

One week back and I still try to pull out on the left side of the road. I look the wrong way when I cross the street. I am seriously a danger to the average person driving down the street. I am a serious danger to myself trying to cross the street. I still can’t remember the password to get into my voicemail. I wake up at 3 am every now and then because I think its 9am and time to get up.
I’m back at work already. Hooray Sports Camps. Despite my driving difficulties I’m behind the wheel of a 15 passenger maxi-van with people’s children in the back on a daily basis (parents - I truly am sorry, but cross your fingers that your kid got into someone else’s van). I guess you could say we're having a pretty normal start to the summer. I mean as normal as things ever get in a job that requires me to carry a walkie talkie and two cell phones at all times (Yes two. Don’t ask questions.) The hours are completely insane, and randomly waking up at 3 am isn’t really helping matters. This morning I asked Olympic champion and coach of the national championship Hawkeye wrestling team, Tom Brands, for his last name. Smooth. If anyone sees my brain laying around anywhere in the greater Cedar Rapids/ Iowa City area please return to Iowa Sports Camps, I’d much appreciate it.
For now we’re keeping track of middle school girl’s basketball players. Today’s major crisis was bed bugs (totally serious). Come Sunday mayhem and chaos ensue as high school football camp checks in. I’m armed with two bottles of Febreze air effects and a bottle of laundry detergent, I'm expecting both to be gone by the end of football camp. My boss is referring to it as a 10 ring circus. I think 10 is a rather conservative estimate.
The Head Counselor On-Call cell phone is quickly becoming the bane of my existence. I am convinced that the thing has a censor, it knows when I walk away. Every time I'm more then 10 feet from the phone- it rings. I jumped out of the shower today to answer the stupid thing, soap and water everywhere. And the worst part…half the time, when it rings, I don’t have a freaking clue what to do! Bed bugs were not in the counselor handbook. Being head counselor does not give me magical powers, I don't have a GPS locator on every camper, and I definitely don’t know where you put your keys.

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