Wednesday, June 3, 2009

1 year...

I sort of have to pinch myself when I say it, but I've been back for a whole year now. The funny part is that I didn't actually realize it until the day after the "one year" mark. I guess it's because Ireland just feels like a really good dream now and I have to keep reminding myself that it actually happened. I still miss it all the time and I'm waiting not-so-patiently for my chance to go back, but at some point this year it started to feel more like a really crazy dream than anything else.
As of a few weeks ago I'm officially a SENIOR at the U of I which is about the most terrifying thing I've ever heard. I keep hearing this nasty rumor that in about a year they'll kick me out of here and it'll be off to the real world for me. Yup. Only two more semesters and a completed honors thesis are standing in the way of me walking across that stage. Scccaarrryyy....
So far my favorite part of being a "senior" is not having to sign up for a single class that starts before noon. Next fall I'm going to get that long awaited chance to sleep in. My least favorite part is the fact that now everyone wants to know what the "plan" is. Well, everyone's just going to have to hold on and when I know what the "plan" is I'll be sure to share it. For now I'm keeping my options open and taking a few summer classes, because really, who doesn't love a good all night study session in the middle of summer. And past that...uuhhh....