Monday, November 10, 2008

Yes We Did.

"Right now, organizers, full-time volunteers, campaign staff, and everyone else who gave single-minded effort toward November 4 are waking up and saying to themselves and each other, "what do I do with myself?" Their cars are messes, their rooms disaster zones, and they've been cut off from friends and family for God knows how long.
This was by far the longest and biggest election season in US history, and there is so much left to process. The elation that Democrats feel is mixed with the hangover of carrying so much emotional electricity in the body for so long. Its discharge is necessarily going to leave an exhaustion behind.
We feel it too. There will be moments in the coming days, randomly standing in line at the grocery store, driving down the street in contemplation, the sight of a door you knocked, catching a certain song, a glimpse of Chuck Todd, hearing someone tell a story... where these emotions will just come bursting through, the enormity of it all. Just think of how much effort went into this. How much sacrifice. How many things had to go right. How many people had to want it so badly, and how the masterpiece of a campaign structure that David Plouffe and cohorts engineered allowed all that effort to be channeled into the right places to maximize efficiency."
-Sean Quinn (

For the rest of my life I will never forget watching Barack's acceptance speech, where I was or who I was with at the time. The enormity of the thing hit me all at once and I just started crying. I wasn't the only one either. Months of hard work, little sleep, and even less free time all came down to one amazing moment for me. And it was all worth it. All of the sleepless nights, early mornings, moments when I just felt like it was all so pointless, all of the "normal college stuff" I missed because there was work to be done, it was all worth it on November 4th watching our next president address the nation from Grant Park.

At the moment I'm catching up on homework...still processing...and still constantly asking myself "what now?". My car is a mess. My room is worse. And about half of my closet seems to have migrated to the back seat of my car. Finals soon...and then Christmas break. Anyone remember what I was doing a year ago? I'd just been officially accepted at UCC for spring semester. Weird right? I was getting ready to get on a plane for Ireland on New Years Day. What a difference a year makes.

p.s. The speech at Grant Park :-)